Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Belle long-gone in the Air Force!  I can't believe how long it has been since I have written on here- I need to remedy this!  I've been reminded recently on the benefit of reflective thought- so I hope to continue this through my blog! 

I've been at tech school since the end of March... it's now October.  It is incredibly difficult and challenging here, but I love it all the more for that same reason.  I'm an Airman Leader- a yellow rope- so I have a whole building full of Airmen to watch over and I have to say: sometimes I feel like a mother hen. I love it, though.  Being called Ma'am... watching timid Airmen trying to decide if they need to salute me or not...I kid!  I love helping them out, answering their questions, making sure they are upholding the standards, so on and so forth. 

Class can be a challenge, though.  I enjoy the people in my class for the most part, although I do not tolerate laziness well, or disrespect for the rules so my feathers get ruffled from time to time.  I feel like  mother hen there, as well.  I attempt to look out for everyone... I need to do a better job of not letting them slip through the cracks.  I can't let go of responsibilities! 

The pace is incredible...  much faster than a college course- and I think I am busier now than when I had 19 credit hours (plus 2 more hours I was auditting- 21 altogether) in college... Now that I think about it I'd LOVE to go back to my first year advisor and share with her my experiences thus far.  She thought 19 was too many... ha!  Granted, my experience gained from Saint Mary's certainly makes this schooling far more accomplishable (is that a word?).  I think I've earned the right to make up words at this point.  I've always been a busy person... I don't relax easily as I always imagine there is something else I need to be doing.  In this place, though, the relaxation is required every so often!  I'm working on that! 

Now I must work on homework and baychief tasks... Happy to be back on here! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Tech School Beginnings

So... This is extremely late, but I made it through BMT (3 months ago) and have started tech school!  It is still so hard to believe that I am here and in the Air Force.  BMT was incredibly tough and challenging on many levels, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  Maybe that's the "Stockholm Syndrome" talking, but it was wonderful at the same time.  I learned I was capable of so much in those 8.5 weeks that I didn't know was possible.  A few little tidbits:

1. Lifelong bonds can be made within a week, let alone 8 weeks. 

2. Showers are NEVER to be underrated. Especially on those really hot days.

3. You never really appreciate the ABU's until you are issued the Blues.

4. 50+ girls living together can be really bad or ok.  I got the ok flight, but we witnessed the really bad at BEAST... 

5. Eventually you expect the yelling in your face and feel weird, shocked even, when it doesn't happen.

6. Reporting statements are fun.  Once you don't have to say "trainee" anymore. :)

7. EC duty is going to suck, but it's built-in study time.  

8.  Sundays were better in BMT than in tech school. 

9. I really love marching.  Shin splints and all. 

10. Nothing beats the moment when your father stands next to you for a picture after the coin ceremony... BEFORE he taps you out. 

My tech school is incredibly hard, and there will be some bumps along the way, but I am here and loving it so far!  More later- taps played and it's time for bed!  (one of those dreaded Sundays in tech school- the weekend is never long enough!)