Monday, August 5, 2013

First of many... I hope!

I've thought for a long time about starting a blog.  Now, I realize it may be important once I do leave to stay connected.  Sure there is always Facebook and texting, but this will also have a journaling aspect since I don't need to carry one of those around, too! 

As of June 2013, I have enlisted in the US Air Force.  I have been to MEPS, did reasonably well on the ASVAB and the DLAB and aspire to be a linguist to serve my country while continuing my love of learning.  Many people support my decision, and are even proud and thrilled for me and I greatly appreciate that.  Other friends had to get used to the idea- but I know I have their support.  The benefits are great- education, $$, good quality of life, health insurance (I have to admit- I'm excited about that one!), but those aren't really why I joined.  Yes, I began seriously considering joining when all of those came in to question with my current position as a college advisor reducing hours, but that was more of a catalyst and the benefits are more like perks for me.  I NEEDED a life change.  I feel I have been doing the same thing since 2009 when I graduate college- I haven't been challenged, been struggling paycheck to paycheck, and, quite frankly, I'm tired of living like that.  I've considered the Peace Corps, and a few other options, but they didn't really stick.  The Air Force didn't even seem realistic when my step-mom first brought it up, but then I started researching more and a lot of the values and principles struck a chord with my own.  The Air Force will provide the direction I'm looking for, and help my personal development.  I'm excited about the challenges and possibilities- I've felt so lost and slothy until I met with T.Sgt. Attig and I had to get things done! 

(image from
When I have more time, I will go into more detail about my experiences with recruiting/MEPS/enlisting and all of the decisions I have come across.  I'm looking forward to sharing what I can.  I've found some blogs ( and youtube videos (aimhigherin, Kyle Gott, and several videos from different people/services) that have been extremely helpful in the process so far.  I hope one day to be helpful to others in the same position!


  1. Sounds like you went through the same experience. I don't know for sure what prompted me to join, but I just felt it was the right thing for me. I was also nervous about calling the recruiter, I put in the number, then stared at my phone for the longest time. When I went to the office and spoke with the recruiter, I was still nervous as this was a big life change and a huge commitment. After going over it in my mind for a bit I finally said yes, let's start the process. It was one of those decisions you don't feel unsure about after, but confident that it was the right choice for your life.

  2. I had actually driven to the recruiter's office, sat in the car, and chickened out once. Which I guess is good, because now I know it's better to not just show up (what if the recruiter is out of the office?)... I totally forgot about that until right now!
