Thursday, October 24, 2013

Something of my time left

As I write this post, I have about 3 months left before I leave for BMT.  (81 Days!!!!) 

Some thoughts running through my head:

Gosh people must be sick of me talking about the Air Force.

Too bad.  All I want to do is talk about the Air Force.

Oh look- groups of people going into the Air Force who want to talk about the Air Force!

** serious note time**

It struck me that I have an "expiration date" on my current life.  How scary/exciting to think about- I'm literally closing one chapter and beginning an entirely new one, maybe even a new book.  I'm moving out of an apartment, without having a forwarding address (well, ok, my parents'), keeping only what I absolutely want to keep, saying good bye to dear friends and loved ones, and everyone elses' life will go on as normal and I won't be as much a part of their lives any more.

I'm not disappearing from the face of the planet, I know that, but even in college I experienced the sensation of not really being involved.  During that time I had breaks and holidays to come home and visit with friends.  In the Air Force, I shall be (hopefully- knock on wood) in tech school for over a year without the opportunity to come home as often.  Any relationship I currently have shall be reduced to letters, texting, phone calls, and Facebook.  I'm left wondering who will go that extra mile and stay connected with me... and vice versa. 

I went shopping yesterday- I texted a photo of what I was trying on to my sister (as I usually do- she's brilliant with opinions).  The reply: "Cute!  but why are you buying stuff now?" 

Kind of a smack in the face.  My life isn't ending, people.  It's adapting.  It's changing.  Not ending.  Yes, I'll be getting rid of many many items that I will no longer need or want,; but there are certain things I'll still need or want and those I will keep, some I'll have shipped to me.  To another end, buying things/shopping/doing adds a normalcy to my life that is harder to grasp since being in DEP.  I'm not going to be stuck wearing my uniform forever!  In Tech school I'll be able to wear civvies :)  After Tech school, I'll have a life again, albeit a military one, during which I can wear civvies as well.  I'll still be the same cute Kristi (oh so humble) with the same fashion sense.  My life isn't being put on hold; there will be no pause button; and while somethings are changing now (like working out more often), I'm still me. 


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