Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DEP tag

Alright- so this is should be a video- but I have neither the time nor the equipment for that- so blog post it is! 

1. Name, Age, and Height?
             Kristin Hingstrum, age 27, 64" (5' 4'')

2. Where are you shipping from?

             I'll be shipping from Davenport, IA, through the MEPS at Camp Dodge in Des Moines, IA.

3. What was your parents' reaction?

             My parents' reaction was phenomenal.  My step-mom has always supported me, but my dad's reaction surprised me the most.  I really didn't expect his overwhelming pride and support for my decision.

4. Ship date, rank, DEP date?

             BMT will begin Jan. 14, 2014.  I'll go in as an E-3 (well, after BMT) due to my college credits.  I DEP'ed on June 26, 2013.

5. Something memorable that happened at MEPS?

             The most memorable parts would have to be my conversations with my roommate (a Navy shipper) and also receiving my DLAB score.  I'm glad I was able to see and hear about the emotions of my roommate before she shipped- I think that will help when it's my turn.  I hope to be as encouraging as she was for me if I end up rooming with a DEPper that night.  When I got my score, my jaw just dropped.  End of story.

6. Best/worst part about DEP?

             The best part of DEP- meeting the other DEPpers and helping each other out.  The worst part- HURRY UP AND WAIT!

7. Something you'll miss while you're at bootcamp?

              I'll miss my friends and family the most, along with this weirdo:

  I shall also miss coffee- a lot.  **edit: I shall also greatly miss my "littles" in dance class- I've helped them grow and learn and I can't even begin to describe how much I'll miss each and every one of them!!!

8. What are you looking forward to?

              I'm looking forward to everything I'll learn at BMT and tech school.  I'm actually looking forward to the gas chamber, as odd as that is- maybe because I'll be more than halfway done at that point?  I'm also looking forward to getting my uniforms- ABU's and Blues- means I'm part of something bigger than myself.  Aim High - Fly - Fight - Win! 

9. How are you preparing for bootcamp?

              I've been reading all kinds of blogs and watching youtube videos- AimHighErin and Kyle Gott have been the most helpful.  I've been chatting with people I've met on the Facebook pages for Air Force DEP and the AF WingMoms- everyone has been helpful and supportive.  Fitness-wise I've been doing the Insanity videos with my step-sister, working on pushups and situps with various apps, and running, running, running.  Did I mention running? 

So, if you are a fellow DEPper- same questions to you!  Make a video or post on your blog if you are as anti-tech as I am ;) 


  1. That was really awesome, I love hearing about other people in DEP! :D I'm also looking forward to the gas chamber...as weird as that sounds! Hopefully I'll see you at Basic!

  2. Looking forward to the Gas Chamber? You guys are NUTS!! But I'm p;roud of all of you, anyway!

  3. Alex added a great question:
    10. What is your job?
    I booked 1N331 which is Cryptologic Linguist :)
