Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How are you doing?

What will it be like when I'm gone?  How will I feel?  More importantly, how will you feel? 

My friends' feelings on me being in the Air Force
**Plug**- A1C Kyle Gott has an absolutely wonderful YouTube channel.  Check out the video about how his friends felt about him being in the Air Force and being away for so long.  He has other videos, too, about his family and other experiences in the Air Force.

My Mother's perspective on me being in the Air Force

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section, as well.  Do you have any concerns or questions?  I started this blog to help me stay connected with you, my friends and family.  I'll ramble on here as much as I do in person, maybe if I get tech savy I can start some videos, too... but that won't be in the near future. :) 

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