Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What about while I'm at BMT???

I know all of you are asking, "Kristi, how can I stay in touch with you while you are gone?"

(At least, I'm pretending you are all asking me that, or thinking that, or just curious.)

While at BMT, trainees (that's me) will not have a lot of time for communication.  Absolutely no texting, emailing, photo-sending, snapchatting, tweeting, facebooking, smoke-signalling, morse coding, etc.  Phone calls are few and far between (IF our flight is good and performing well), and timed.  I'll get 10 minutes (or so I hear-I'll update once I actually experience this) to plug in, turn on cell phone, and make a call.  Here is the factsheet on cell phone use at BMT.  I will have a call list- probabaly family first, going on to the next person if no one answers.  I have already decided that if a wingman doesn't have a phone, I will be sharing so my time will be even shorter. *Just heard we'll each get 10 minutes :)  Love how helpful past BMT-ers are!

From this source.

Letters- ah, I hear we will be living for mail call.  Mail call and mealtime.  Please send letters.  I don't have an address yet.  I'll know when I get there and the night I get there I believe I make a call to let my family know what it is.  I'll be barking it- I believe it will be a rather rude phone call so maybe let the machine get it?  My plan is to give my parents access to facebook so they can post my address so everyone can see.  I'll say this now- please write!  Even if it's a postcard- anything is grand.  Well, except for...

  • Care packages including any kinds of food.  We open packages in front of our MTI (Military Training Instructor), and they don't take kindly to food being sent.  I'll either make myself sick trying to eat everything in whatever time limit they set or MTI's will take it.  Please don't send anything food related while I'm at BMT (Tech school will be another matter :) ) 
  • Anything personal- unless I ask for it like shampoo or hair gel (apperently tough to get the right kind), I can get what I need at the BX or the mini-mall. 
  • Anything large and difficult to store.  I will have a drawer and a wall locker- that's it.  No trunk like they show in the movies- anything I receive I will need to be able to stash away neatly.  If you have pictures to send, it's recommended to upload them on a word document so you can print out multiples and they fold up nicely :) 
  • FOOD- I can't stress this enough.  I've heard horror stories.  I'll get chewed out and made to throw perishible items away... unless the MTI's come up with a better plan. 
  • Nothing tacky/gushy/funny/cute- make it tasteful, people.  I don't want MTI's to know me for my mail!  If you look at the Q&A provided by AF WingMoms, some MTI's may encourage you to fill letters with glitter and confetti (as per their sense of humors)... DON'T DO IT!!! Please!
  • No gifts, even if I'm there over Christmas.  I will not have a lot of packing room as I go straight to tech school after graduation weekend.  If you come to graduation, feel free to bring anything then, but please bear in mind I may ask you to ship it to me at tech school (nope, no address for that yet). 
Questions?  If in doubt, KISS- Keep It Simple, Sister.  Really, I'll love getting letters and cards from you- Please don't be offended if I don't return the favor.  We aren't scheduled "writing home time" and I'll probably use what time I can for study and sleep.  If you don't hear from me, keep sending!  I'll be better able to reply at tech school, where I'll have a little bit more free time. 

You may also be able to find pictures of me (or at least of my flight/brother flight/squadron) on the Facebook site for the Air Force. By me, I mean possibly a photo of me in a group of my flight or during training. Sometimes they post photos on the USAF BMT facebook page, or there may be some info on the AFWingMoms page. There will also be a group for my training squadron and flight, which you will be able to search for once you get my information. The AFWingMoms site/facebook page will be extremely helpful in searching for this and any other information. They have weekly Q&A sessions with former MTI's, recruiters, and other Air Force personnel. They also update on what happens in each WOT (Week of Training), so you will know what I'm going through!

*Immediate disclaimer- I may not be emotionally able to communicate the way I normally would with you.  If you get a phone call, please bear with me as I have no idea what type of emotional state I will be in.  If you get a letter, not only will you be one of the lucky few, but it will probably be disjointed as we will not have time to write a whole letter- it will be time I steal before bed or if the MTI is feeling gracious. I will probably also be exhausted, and will not want to relay a whole week of training to you. If I'm not communicative, start blabbing! I may not want to talk, but my ears will be VERY good at listening by then and hearing about your day may be just what I need.  It may be the case that you can't get me to shut up, but as I have no idea, I'd love it if you can be prepared, too.  Maybe anytime you think of me, write down where you were and why and keep that list by the phone. 

1 comment:

  1. If you share your phone with someone in BMT you should each get your own 10 minutes, you won't have to split it and each get 5 or something. That's how it was when i went to BMT anyways
